Tuesday, 14 July 2009

An Introduction


I suppose I should probably say something about what I intend to do with this blog. Back when I set my other blog adrift on the stormy waters of the interwebs I had the goal of trying to create a simple roleplying game for use with my friends, partly because I had been doing it for years anyway and partly because we were really cheap at the time and I wasn't prepared to fork out £60 for the D&D corebooks.

Nowadays I have a little more DMing experience under my belt and have played in more varied games and it has helped clarify what I want to do with my game: To create a simple game that can be condensed (in the manner of microlite) allows for varied styles of play and that will appeal to my friends.

The last bit is the most important; this is not an endevour with some notion of a commercial end, this is simply something that I'd like to do with my regular gaming group, and by extension this blog is to keep a record of some of those fevered musings that creep through my mind so that my group can get a grasp on things and perhaps offer suggestions or ideas on what would make the game better in their minds.

Anyhow, enough with the mision statement. Fevered Musings Commence!

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